Three benefits of nature on our mood

Sometimes we can get into a frazzled, overwhelmed, and exhausted headspace and need a break. Our lives can be ruled by meetings, emails, texts, or constant notifications from our phones. This can create a feeling of being stressed out, uptight, and depleted. Nature has a way of giving us restorative rest. Here are three ways nature helps us to recenter ourselves and improve our mood.

Being in nature gives our minds a break from intense focus and concentration. Whether we are online, in a meeting, or driving in traffic, we are often deeply focused on something very important and relevant in our lives. Walking, hiking, or just sitting by the ocean can open our minds and let us take a more "soft focus" level of engagement. It's as if we have taken a speeding car and put it in neutral, allowing it to gradually slow down on a gentle downhill road. It also allows our mind to wander freely, giving it a "time-out" from disciplined thought. Our everyday world is filled with competing stimuli, tempting our minds to attend to multiple things that seem interesting or provocative. We may be sitting in a meeting and see someone out the window who looks like a colleague. We are tempted to look, but our minds tell us to stay on task. When we are driving or listening to someone, we tell ourselves to ignore outside distractions. This constant strain takes a toll. Nature allows us to take in all the sensations, sight, sound, smell, and touch without much direct guidance from us.

Nature gives our bodies a manageable but physical challenge. We may need to walk, hike, or climb on uneven ground. We may need to reach for a sturdy branch to pull ourselves up an incline in the woods or walk along a sandy beach where our feet sink into the soft surface. These challenges pull us into the present moment in a way that allows everyday worries and concerns to recede into the background. This physical challenge can give our brains a respite and as mentioned in the previous paragraph let our minds wander as we traverse the path in front of us. Meeting this challenge can give us a small boost to our self-esteem, making our time in nature even more beneficial.

The experience can be spiritual.  Being out in nature can create a spiritual connection with something larger than themselves. Whether it is an incredible sunset, the massive waves of the ocean, or a scenic view of mountains off in the distance, a feeling of wonderment and awe can help restore our sense of serenity.

The benefits of being out in nature are many, improving us in mind, body, and spirit. To take advantage of this wonderful elixir for our souls, we don't have to do much: take a walk at a nearby park, sit quietly near a stream or lake, or just sit outside and listen to the birds.

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