What is Anxiety and How to Understand It, Part II

Laura Zajac, PhD

Part 2

We know that some anxiety can be beneficial by acting as an internal alarm that keeps us safe, conscientious, and can even improve performance. But when does that protective anxiety become a problem or even an anxiety disorder?

Anxiety can sometimes lead people to avoid the situations that cause anxiety. And although this is helpful in the short term - avoidance immediately decreases anxiety - in the long term it makes anxiety worse. Avoidance feeds the idea that anxiety is dangerous and that the emotion should be avoided at all costs. Avoidance can also lead to missing out on important or enjoyable experiences that enrich our lives: avoidance shrinks our worlds. If you notice yourself avoiding
situations that cause anxiety, you may benefit from treatment.

You may also have an anxiety disorder if you experience a sense of constant dread or worry that won’t go away. You may experience physical sensations such as increased heart rate and sweating, as well as insomnia and trouble concentrating. If these symptoms are frequent and start to interfere with your work, relationships, or ability to enjoy your life, it might be helpful to speak to your physician or a therapist about your anxiety.

There are some medical conditions that cause anxiety or the physical sensations associated with anxiety, so it’s important to check with your primary care provider if you experience new symptoms of anxiety.

Anxiety is a normal emotion that can be helpful by keeping us alert, safe, and motivated. Sometimes anxiety becomes overwhelming and can interfere with our daily lives. The providers at Malec and Associates are trained in effective therapies that can treat anxiety and reduce your symptoms.

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