How to Thrive After 65+

Surviving to Thriving After 65+

By Elaine A. Malec, PhD

Attitudes about aging have changed over the decades.  Prior to the 19th century only 2% of people lived past 65!  In fact, older people were so revered young people wore gray wigs so they appeared older.  Of course during the industrial revolution, it became “cool to be young” and aging fell out of favor.  With the graying of the baby boomers, we now see an emergence of an improved attitude about growing old.  Growing old is now about “growing”!  The issue now is not how do you survive past 65, but how do you thrive.   Here are three of the top areas that make life after 65 not just about adding another candle to the birthday cake, but how to get the very best of those years.

#1 Connect, connect, connect!  Although the reality is that as we age the list of people we have lost through death grows, it is as important as ever to find ways to stay connected.  Social isolation and loneliness increases mortality rate by 2x.  Loneliness is also associated with the onset of dementia, heart disease and depression, so it isn’t just a bad feeling; it’s serious.  Find ways to stay connected to the important people in your life, add new people, and re-connect with people you’ve lost contact with.  

#2 Be a Life Long Learner!  Thriving after 65 requires a positive attitude about learning.  Those people who keep learning do better after crossing over the magical number 65, than those who stop.  Even though the fantasy of retiring and “doing whatever you please” sounds enticing, facts are those who work (and work hard) at something they enjoy live longer and better.  What about a buffer against dementia?  Those who take up something completely new gain a resistance to developing Alzheimer’s.

#3 Meaningful Participation! Whether you use your time rescuing animals, following your favorite sports team, campaigning for your local politician, or learning to sky dive do it because it makes you feel alive.  Thriving is about making a decision to live each day fully and with purpose.

By focusing on these three areas and incorporating them into your life, you will not only add quantity you’ll add quality.

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